SinglePoint Commercial Auto coming soon!

For a long time agents and carriers have asked us to provide technology for commercial lines and now we finally have some time to do so.

We are excited to tell you we have been actively working on a new product: SinglePoint Commercial Auto.

Agents tell us that gathering all the required data to get a quote for commercial policies is too time-consuming. Lots of pesky questions and back-and-forths with clients to complete the application. Then you have to enter that information over and over and over again in each of your carrier web systems to get a quote.

Regrettably, you may only quote one of your carriers because you don’t have the time or energy to re-key the data in multiple sites. That’s not good for your agency, your carriers, and most importantly your commercial clients.

But now with SinglePoint Commercial Auto, you can:

  • Collect the common data required to apply for commercial auto insurance, including business name, SIC Code, tax ID, locations, drivers, vehicles, coverages, etc.
  • Instantly upload or bridge this risk data to your commercial auto carriers’ web systems
  • Hyperlink over to the carrier web systems (with all the risk data pre-filled) to complete the rating and/or binding process
  • Save time and keystrokes, while quoting all of your carriers

Some important things you need to know:

  • We expect to roll out SinglePoint Comm Auto to agents in February
  • We are actively working with carriers to bridge the Comm Auto data from SinglePoint into their web rating systems (this is the same real-time submission technology used in SinglePoint Auto and Home)
  • We are aiming to plug in the top 5-10 Comm Auto carriers over the next several months
  • We are not going to real-time rate Comm Auto policies, at least initially, because it would take too long to build a solid working product. However, there are a lot of benefits in gathering the common risk data and instantly bridging to Carriers.

Look for more information from us in the coming weeks. If you have questions or would like to discuss this in more detail, just call 781.449.8585 or email Charlie Walsh at