


  • Real-Time Rating available: Monday through Saturday, 6:00 a.m. – 3:00 a.m., and Sunday, 6:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. EST


  • At this time, only Drivers with valid RMV responses using active MA licenses can be rated accurately.
  • Auto
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  • Lookup By LicenseCan retrieve and validate driver history using a license number
    Lookup By VinCannot retrieve and validate vehicle history using a full VIN
    Clue ReportingDoes not run a Clue Report (which takes into account at-fault and not-at-fault accidents as part of the rating criteria) as part of the Real-Time Rating process
    EligibilityDoes not determine if the risk is eligible or ineligible during the Real-Time Rating process
    Renewal RatingQuotes renewal rates within SinglePoint
    Effective DatesDoes not quote prior rate filings further than 30 days back
    Motorcycle RatingDoes not quote motorcycle risks in SinglePoint
    Out of state GaragingQuotes vehicles garaged out-of-state
    Out of state DriversHandles drivers with out-of-state experience in a unique manner
    Agency CodesDoes not require specific agency code info in order to generate a real-time quote
    Automatic updates of Agency CodesDoes not automatically import and save your agency codes
    Modification of LimitsChanges unoffered limits entered in SinglePoint to its closest offering and present a rate
  • Harleysville

    • A manufactured rate is calculated based on the rating manual and logic we receive from the carrier

    Supplemental Heat Surcharge

    • Supplemental Heat Surcharge, which used to be applied on Endorsements, now is triggered by adding a secondary heat source on the Dwelling tab.
    CreditCarrier does not run a credit report during the Real-Time Rating process
    Coastal LookupCarrier does not run Risk Meter (distance to coast) or similar mapping tool for the dwelling location
    Plan SelectionCarrier does not assign the appropriate plan based on underwriting criteria
    Modification of LimitsCarrier does not change unoffered limits entered in SinglePoint to its closest offering and presents a rate
    Agency CodeCarrier does not require you to enter an agency code in order to use Real-Time Rating
    EligibilityCarrier does not determine if the risk is eligible or ineligible during the Real-Time Rating process