As of Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020, we made changes to the SinglePoint dashboard to make it easier to access popular features/links and, specifically, to begin processing Registration renewals and reinstatements. We hope you like the smaller buttons and sleeker look of the left navigation column.
Please note that under the RMV Services section that you can begin processing a Reg renewal or reinstatement by just entering the Plate Number on the left Navigation widget. When you begin the Reg renewal or reinstatement process from the dashboard, the workflow is a little different than beginning from within the RMV Services section in SinglePoint.
Here’s what you need to know:
On the SinglePoint dashboard, enter the plate number then select either Renew or Reinstate. SinglePoint will instantly connect to the RMV ATLAS system and begin processing the transaction.
If plate is found successfully**, you will be asked to enter Owner DOB or Business FID#, Customer Email, and Writing Company. (FYI: the Effective date is required for reinstatement, but not renewal.)
Click Proceed. A payment link is automatically sent to insured to pay by credit card. If paid, the Registration will be renewed or reinstated. If not paid by insured within the same day, the status of the Registration will remain the same (revoked or not yet renewed).
There you have it – simple, safe, and done!
Be sure to call, email, or LiveChat us if you have questions.
Look for more improvements, features and transactions on SinglePoint RMV Services coming soon.
** If the plate is not found during the start of the processing, you will be given a message. If Multiple Records are found, you will be prompted to go to the RMV Services Tab in SinglePoint to provide additional vehicle information.