We recently rolled out SinglePoint EVR for car dealerships and the response has been great — many dealers have jumped in with both feet and are requesting e-stamps directly from insurance agencies. That’s the good news.
The bad news is that some agents don’t know about SinglePoint EVR, and are wary when they receive a “strange” email asking them to verify insurance. Don’t worry, it’s not spam or malmare. It’s just a better way of stamping an RTA than using a fax machine and rubber stamps.
Here is what to expect when a dealer initiates an e-stamp request through SinglePoint EVR:
You will receive an email (that looks just like the one below) asking you to “Verify Insurance”
Click the Verify Insurance button to review the request in SinglePoint.

You also will see a notification on your SinglePoint dashboard (below)
The eStamp Requests tab will show a number on a red circle when you have received new e-stamp requests. Simply click on the insured’s name to open and review the request.

SinglePoint will load all the insured and vehicle information as well as display the dealer paperwork i.e. RTA, Bill of Sale, etc.
You should review all this information, discuss with your insured, and confirm that insurance is in place for this vehicle. You e-stamp the RTA and send back to dealer along with other documents such as a Binder.
Why should you work with dealers in SinglePoint? There are many benefits !
Try it once and you’ll agree that it’s a lot easier handling dealer RTAs in SinglePoint with electronic stamps and document uploads than old-fashioned rubber stamps and fax machines. It takes a couple minutes. Much more efficient and professional. You can track the status right on the SinglePoint dashboard. Staff that works remotely (with no access to fax machine) will greatly appreciate it.
Questions? Need more info?
If you’d like to see what the e-stamp request process looks like from beginning to end for agents, watch this video tutorial on our website. For other questions, please email Michele Gillen for further assistance, or call Boston Software at 781-449-8585.