Home Rating Basic Workflow

To begin, click the LOGIN button at the top of this page and log in to SinglePoint. If you are unsure of your password, ask your SinglePoint Account Manager to reset it or call Boston Software.
From the dashboard you can start a new home quote or open an existing quote.
Enter the risk information on the dwelling tab. Be sure to scroll down to view the entire screen. Any fields marked in red are required and must be completed for rating.
Be sure to navigate through each tab at the top of the screen to enter all necessary rating information. Any fields in red are required.
Select the desired Carrier Options. Be sure to open General Options to access those endorsements.
Credit Lookup and Loss Information are available on the Underwriting tab.
Scheduled items can be entered on this tab. If Agreed Value is available, it will appear here as well.
Rating occurs in the Premiums tab. Each carrier is ready to rate when there are no warnings below. Review buttons indicate missing information. Click the magnifying glass to view plan summary.
All actions buttons are found at the top of the Plan Summary. You can print, send, submit to carrier, export to your management system, get help from Boston Software, and do forms from this screen.
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