Our contacts at the RMV have provided a summary of information regarding the transition from ALARS to ATLAS, which they would like us to share with you. It is a clear, concise breakdown of what you need to know. You should know all this already (we hope), but it’s always good to review.
RMV transition from ALARS to ATLAS:
Summary of Information (from Information Systems Security)
You have been receiving a lot of emails regarding the RMV’s ATLAS transformation and we want to ensure this transition to ATLAS is as smooth as possible because we care about you, your business, and your customers. Outlined below is the important information that you need to know.
- ATLAS will replace the RMV’s Automated Licensing and Registration System (ALARS) to allow the RMV to become a more customer-centric organization and to comply with federal and state mandates.
- ATLAS will be released in two phases. Release 1, on March 26, 2018, is replacing driver services and Release 2, in the fall of 2019, will replace vehicle services.
- This means that you will need to use both ATLAS and ALARS for 18 months.
What does that mean to you and your End Users?
If you access the RMV via your Insurance Company/3rd Party Vendor please make sure you know how your RMV connectivity will be on March 26, 2018.
- If your Insurance Company/3rd Party Vendor has told you there will be no change on your end, this means they are using the RMV’s Web Services and you do not need to get eServices Portal Access. Your RMV access will look the same on March 26th as it does today.
- If your Insurance Company/3rd Party Vendor told you they will not be supporting ATLAS you will need to get access to the eService Portal.
RMV screens Information
As of March 26, you will need to use ATLAS for the below screens, as they will no longer be available in ALARS: LH, LTH, LNS, UMI9, UMO, UMA, UMC, UMVI, UMVH, and UMVS. The LI/ULI screen will only display address information.
The following screens will remain in ALARS until November 2019: NRL, NRR, URI, URSR, URSN, URSV, URN, URVN, RH, VT, R1C, RBS, COR, IMI, UPOI, UPIC, UPA, UPMV, UPH, UPTH, UVH and RA (if currently authorized for these functions)
Documentation Time Line
We here at the RMV are working hard to make sure you get the best service. It’s important that you understand that these deadlines must be met in order for you to be able to continue service! If there is anything we can do help you in this effort, please let us know!
- March 5, 2018 was the deadline to return the Access Agreement and associated required documentation back to the RMVBusinessPartners@state.ma.us. If you have not done so, please send these in as soon as possible. All information is available under Insurance Agency Program here: https://mailchi.mp/7e9f5633c9a8/reminder-rmv-access-agreement-due-in-5-days?e=7cb0d1cc3e
- March 16, 2018 is the deadline for eServices Portal ONLY Program Contact to return the End User Preparation Spreadsheet to the RMV. All information is available at: https://mailchi.mp/6f17275cf4da/insurance-agency-end-user-sheet
Training Timeline— Training is for End Users using the eServices Portal only
We have developed training to help you and your End Users successfully transition to the new system. Training has been separated into 3 Tiers.
- February 26, 2018 – Tier 1 information became available and information for registering for the Tier 2 webinars. Tier 1 covers the basics of Logging In and Navigating ATLAS. http://atlas.massrmv.com/Insurance.aspx
- March 2 and March 7, 2018 – Tier 2 live webinars demonstrate how to use ATLAS. . Both webinars covers the same information. If you missed the webinar, don’t worry, they have been recorded and will be available on March 19.
- March 12, 2018 – Tier 3 information will be available. This tier covers more job-specific activities.
- March 19, 2018 – The recorded webinar becomes available. It will include questions raised by the audience during the live sessions.
For questions regarding training, email: RMVATLASSupport@massmail.state.ma.us
There will be no ALARS RMV access between Thursday, March 22nd at 7pm EST and March 26th at 8am EST. We need to prepare for the cutover to ATLAS. Only Law Enforcement using their CJIS system will be able to inquire in ALARS.
Monday, March 26, 2018 is our Go-Live Day
We will all begin using two systems.
- If your Insurance Company/3rd Party Vendor has told you there will be no change on your end, you will not notice a difference in your RMV access.
- If you are using the eServices Portal, all End Users identified on the End User Preparation Sheet will be receiving an email on Monday morning with their User Name, a link to create their password and a “How to” PDF document.
- If you are an eServices Administrator, you will be able to create new security credentials for End Users on the eServices Portal. eServices Administrators “How To” instructions will be sent next week.
Please make sure the following email addresses are not blocked or added to your delete/spam/junk folders: rmvbusinesspartners@state.ma.us and rmvatlassupport@massmail.state.ma.us. If you or your End Users are not currently getting email notifications, click on this link (RMV Email List Sign Up) to subscribe to our email list for future communications and to ensure that you stay up-to-date on all important RMV news.
We understand your time is valuable and want to make sure you are well informed.