SinglePoint Auto enhancement helps you better manage Date First Licensed

We made an important enhancement to SinglePoint that prompts you to clarify the Date First Licensed field and should help ensure you quote more accurately.  Whenever you do a RMV Lookup at the start of a quote or from the Driver tab, SinglePoint will no longer automatically use the Date First Licensed information provided by the RMV.  The reason is because this information may not be correct, especially for drivers born before 1975 and out of state drivers. 

After completing the RMV Lookup, SinglePoint will now pop up a dialogue box so you can verify what specific Date First Licensed should be used for each driver when rating.  You will have 3 options to select from:

  • The date currently stored at the RMV
  • The driver’s Date of Birth plus 17 years
  • A custom date that you can enter

This may add an extra step to the rating workflow, but it’s a simple way to handle the tricky Date First Licensed field when requesting Real-Time quotes from your carriers.