Smooth launch for ATLAS; minor issues addressed

It’s now Friday afternoon (Nov 15th) and we’re almost through Week 1 of the transition to the new ATLAS system and we would classify it as highly successful.  Agents have run over 11,000 RMV Lookups in SinglePoint and a few thousand RTA forms have been completed.  We also should note that Agents have successfully submitted over 1,100 RTAs to the RMV through our new Get Ready feature.  As the saying goes, now we’re cooking with gas!

Agents did uncover a few areas that needed some additional tweaking, and these updates are already available in SinglePoint. The issues brought to our attention and addressed were the following:

RTA Form

  • Agents could not complete the form for many trailers and motorcycles because not all Makes were available in form’s Make dropdown list:
    • We added all trailer and motorcycle makes to the dropdown list.
  • RMV was returning errors for invalid or missing dates upon attempting Get Ready, but agents had seemingly entered dates:
    • The RMV is very specific about date formats. We have beefed up our logic to transform the date format to MM/DD/YYYY no matter how agents may enter it. (For example, we will transform 2/6/2019 to 02/06/2019 for you).
    • If a date is missing or completely invalid, SinglePoint will warn you.
  • RMV was returning an error that a Driver Name is missing, but agents believed the full name was entered:
    • It was not clear that there are separate fields for Last, First, and Middle names. Some agents were entering the entire name in the Last Name field. We have added borders around each field to make it more apparent. Agents should enter the names in the appropriate separate fields.
  • RMV was returning a message that a Driver Name didn’t match, but agents believed it was correct:
    • Copying and Pasting names sometimes results in a “space” getting set at the end or beginning of the pasted name. This space caused the RMV to throw a mismatch error. SinglePoint will now automatically trim these spaces for you if they are accidentally pasted.

RMV Lookup

  • Detail for cancelled policies is not getting returned.

Unfortunately, this isn’t one we could do much about. ATLAS does not provide extensive detail for cancelled policies. This is universal and not solely a SinglePoint RMV Lookup limitation. ATLAS does not return details to Boston Software or carriers, nor are details available directly on the ATLAS portal. However, ATLAS does provide a Cancellation Reason Code which SinglePoint is now displaying in the RMV Report.